Thursday, June 18, 2009

ok . .now im going to tell you what happen in my day today oke . .
from the morninx .
.i wake up in mornin with the sad mood . .
but i just ingore bout it ! i want

to make my day today just fine !
yg len lantakk r . .
oke . .then i go to the tren station . .
n straight away go to bukit jalil . .
then after reach there , i take for the cab n go to my college A.S.A.P . .
then , i meet fyfy n karen in the su room .
.yesterday i got chat with my senior . .
then i got see him today . .
ea skew sakat ku rr . .
but i take it as a joke .
.then at 9 o'clock i go for class . .
haiyoo . .bowinx towl ouhh .
.cmpaii na titow2 da asew . .
fify pown da jd ngok ngekk .
.haha . .
mm . .my b pown g kjew ta gtaw ku . .
mm . .ta pew rr .
.bia jewp ea . .
then before class end , the lecture give us some work to do . .
then we have finish it up .
.pas2 ku n fify pown memblah kn dwik
kami yg suda toink toink neyh ke blikk su tok jmpew abg L . .
because i have to treat him for lunch .
.keep waiting + see fify on9 . .

then abg L pown tibe dgn lmbtnyew .
.haha .
.then we straight away go to the mcd . .
then jz chit chat with abg L n fify while keep jln2 yg ta sampai lgikk kewp mcd neyhh . .
then i knew bahan ngn abg L because of my eassay . .
huhu . .then we had reach in mcd .
.i n fify go for order .
.i mamam mc chicken . .
fify mamam big mac , as well as abg L . .

then while mamam . .
we keep talking , .
lalalala . .
sungguh lawak n membuat kn ku pecah pewott . .
abg L membahan kuh n fify .
.fify jdikk sunggih sengal ary neyh . .
hahaha . .
yg klako nyew ku ngn aBg L mengire bpew byk kntg gowg yg maseh blm dimakan . .
hahaha . .kejadian itu membuat kn fify menjadi sunggoh tertekan . .
hahaha . .lawak weyhh . .
then kami melihat jam di tgn kami suda pukul 1 .
.ouh tidakkk !!
class kuh ! ahahah . .
dgn pantas nyew ku n fify berjalan glew babi pnyew cpt .

.dgn melupekan abg L yg ketinggalan dibelakang . .
wahahaha . .
tp sunggoh tidakk disangke abg L pantas menjejaki ku n fify .
.eleh . .kaki ea pnjang deyh . .
haha .
.then kami pown smpai di kolej . .
kuh n fify sepantas kilat mosk kew dlm kelas . .
hahah . .di dlm kelas .
.ouh tidakk !
mate aku menjadi sunggoh ngntokkk dowh !!
mentg da kenyg , air-con pown sjokk . .
wahh mate akuhh . .
hahaha . .
then kami break tokk seketike . .
ta boleh blah diowg megkekah kentg lebihan tdikk . .
haha . .yg ta bleh blah nyew ina larr . .
membaling kntg dr atas kew bwh .
.hahha . .lwk2 . .
then msok class blek . .
ku , fify , shiela membuat hal sniwi sambil membute kn mate konon2 ta nmpak lecture kt dpn . .haha .
.kami wt hal sniwi sbb tahap kebosanan telah melande diri kami bertige . .
hahaha . .then kami da besh class, twoss kewp cafe sayang sayang sayang . .
hahaha . .
kami bertige mamam ice kelim . .
sdap sunggoh weyhh , .

kowek idong jap . .haha . .papaii . .

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